
How Much Money Does Grammarly Spend On Advertising

For something with a free version, Grammarly sure charges a steep toll for its paid version. If y'all're wondering why is Grammarly so expensive, we looked close on what it offers to help you lot understand why.

As you tin run across in the table, the only similarity between the Free and Grammarly Premium version is the critical grammar and spelling check.

Why Is Grammarly So Expensive

Out of 5 major features, you only get one with Free. So what picture does that paint for writers?

To better capeesh these, let's starting time look at the benefits of each 1.

  • Is information technology worth paying for Grammarly?
    • Advanced checks
    • Vocabulary Enhancement
    • Genre-Specific Way Recommendations and Goal Setting
    • Plagiarism Checker
  • Where can I use Grammarly?
  • Is Grammarly the all-time grammar checker?
    • ProWritingAid
    • Ginger
    • Hemingway
  • Conclusion

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Is information technology worth paying for Grammarly?

From pinpointing basic errors to identifying context backside the writing errors, Grammarly Premium has a lot to offering writers.

Let's do a quick rundown so you tin run into why is Grammarly and then expensive:

Why Is Grammarly So Expensive

Advanced checks

If you're serious most your writing and trying to get beyond grammatically right, this feature is for you.

While the free version gets things done and helps keep your documents error-free, yous can't count on it to help with the tone.

With the advanced checks, you can maintain or change the tone you lot want to reach.

For example, you desire a business proposal to ooze with confidence and you feel at that place'due south something missing with your document to achieve that to close the deal.

The advanced checks can do a fantabulous job hither by identifying areas for improvement for your desired tone. This is where it's worth paying for Grammarly Premium.

Why Is Grammarly So Expensive

Bear in mind that in that location's besides a Grammarly Business version that lets yous cover the costs of Grammarly Premium for your team members. This is ideal if you lot're running a content agency and yous want the writers to submit content cleaned up using Grammarly.

Vocabulary Enhancement

Whether it'south search engine rankings or overall readability you're after, yous don't want to keep using the aforementioned words throughout your content piece.

Those adjectives that go along showing up every other paragraph? Grammarly Premium will surely observe those and suggest synonyms.

More than just using the 'right' words, your certificate will become more readable after implementing suggestions.

After all, you'd want your readers to never tire of moving from paragraph to paragraph and the premium version ensures just that.

Genre-Specific Style Recommendations and Goal Setting

Whatever you're writing now, at that place'due south ever a goal and ane that you can reach with the correct tone.

If it'south fantasy fiction you're going for or educational content, that'south engaging, there are words, phrases, or sentences that tin can ship a improve bulletin.

Based on the goals y'all gear up, Grammarly gives suggestions to a amend betoken you in that direction.

With the Domain, you tin besides set it to:

  • Academic
  • Business organization
  • Casual
  • Creative
  • Technical

Equally a event, information technology synchronizes you and your certificate so you can meliorate relate to your target audience.

This is probably the biggest benefit Grammarly tin requite its users.

Why Is Grammarly So Expensive

Plagiarism Checker

Since the introduction of the internet, too many content pieces become published and plagiarism soon became common.

Writing professionals now take to avert plagiarism since facing lawsuits comes with a steep price–thousands of dollars.

To properly cite references, Grammarly Premium offers a plagiarism checker that not only tells you if the content matches another piece just likewise pulls from its comprehensive database and so you know what sources to cite.

Fifty-fifty if the content doesn't lucifer exactly, it helps to know if you're at run a risk for plagiarism and so you can cite the proper sources to remain rubber.

Where can I use Grammarly?

Grammarly is probably the biggest writing aid app out there and integrates nicely with the most frequently used tools of today:

  1. On Google Chrome as an extension
  2. In Google Docs with its beta version specifically fabricated for it
  3. On its own website where yous can upload content for checking
  4. As a Microsoft Word extension
  5. As an Outlook app for Microsoft Office
  6. As a mobile app for iOS or Android
  7. As a desktop app for Mac

With this, you can see how the app works for near platforms to serve any kind of need from story writers to students or professionals making a formal document.

Even if you aren't a professional person writer, Grammarly helps past providing suggestions full of context to help make y'all a better writer.

Is Grammarly the all-time grammar checker?

'Best' is indeed a powerful word. While at that place is a adept number of checkers out there, permit's run downward the features of just the well-known grammar checkers so yous can run into the position and worth of Grammarly:


ProWritingAid also works as a great grammar and spell checker. Even for its gratuitous version, information technology helps meliorate the readability of your work.

Different Grammarly, it keeps most of its correcting powers. However, information technology compromises on usability instead since y'all have to apply the tool native to its site and only with 500 words at a time.

You'd have to become for Premium should yous have it compatible with your favorite platforms – Chrome, Microsoft Word, etc.

Another bonus it has versus other editing apps is that it tackles some bigger picture bug like writing way.

Spelling mistakes, passive voice, and sentence formatting that makes readability weak will all be highlighted.

Plus, it'southward an fantabulous selection as a free plugin for WordPress.

In a nutshell, it competes nicely with Grammarly but falls brusk on intuitiveness.

Other than that, information technology is a good culling at a lower cost point.


A tool made past Ginger Software, information technology rose in popularity through language enhancement technology that'southward quite adept at using language processing to get a good grasp of content.

What this means for users is that you tin hands right spelling and grammar issues and it likewise has all the tools you need to do this well.

It works for Windows, iOS, Android every bit apps and with Chrome and Safari as extensions.

A downside to Ginger is its usability on sure platforms. With Chrome, it doesn't piece of work with all text input fields such as the ones in WordPress. At to the lowest degree you lot take Jetpack for that.

However, the popular-up editor works fine and you tin re-create, paste content there, then bring it back to MS Word or wherever information technology's supposed to be.

A give-and-take of warning though—links seem to disappear when pasting content back from the editor tool.


This tool has noticeable differences compared to other commonly used checkers. For 1, information technology highly encourages a large picture look at your writing.

What this means for writers is that at that place is more focus on readability. Specifically, the tool emphasizes words or phrases that compromise the course or period of your sentences and comes up with suggestions.

A clear disadvantage with Hemingway is its absenteeism of integration–no extensions, plugins, etc. You merely put the content in the tool then edit.

A slap-up way to use this is past having another tool piece of work in tandem. Maybe install Grammarly Free and then filter the readability further with Hemingway.


Like most things, at that place is no one size fits all solution for writing. That's because you can't make creativity something rigid.

However, you can always go for the tool with most of the functionalities y'all're looking for.

When the flow calls for dramatic, redundant lines, go for it. Tools similar Grammarly may give suggestions, but they definitely have their limits.

Knowing this, it pays to know what's on the marketplace and what alternatives you have and don't have access to.

And then is Grammarly the best?

In many means, the answer is yes. Just the others bring something to the tabular array.

Hemingway and Ginger are bang-up for editing merely don't integrate with the commonly used platforms. If this is fine with you lot, you tin can go for these since they're complimentary after all.

This mode, we tin can better understand why Grammarly charges a higher fee for its Premium version. It simply offers bully usability and effective writing suggestions.

Writers who focus on workflow and user experience can benefit and enjoy the features of Grammarly Premium.

If you're looking for a solid tool that covers a lot of these while offering great usability, Grammarly Premium is a great bet.

grammarly premium

Write Better, Error-Free Website Content

With Grammarly Premium, y'all can correct your articles as you write and edit parts that you would probably miss even when reviewing it.

Write Ameliorate, manifestly and simple! Go Grammarly At present .



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