
How Much Money Do You Keep From Airbnb

Airbnb is the earth's largest online marketplace for holiday rentals. Millions of travelers employ it to search for and book accommodation worldwide. So, if you're thinking about turning your second abode into a short-term rental, Airbnb will likely be the first channel you list your property on.

However, it's crucial to know how much it costs to list on Airbnb. Get familiar with the host fees that Airbnb charges for each booking so y'all can gene them into your Airbnb pricing.

You should likewise compare Airbnb's commissions with those of other channels. This will assistance you lot make up one's mind whether you should get listed on other booking sites similar and Vrbo.

Furthermore, once you lot know the amount you'll exist spending on Airbnb host fees, you lot may want to consider finding ways to get bookings without commissions. And the all-time way to do that is by building your ain holiday rental website where you tin accept straight bookings and take payments.

In this weblog post, nosotros'll go through everything yous need to know about Airbnb host fees: how much they are and how they're calculated. Nosotros'll also requite you tips on how to become less dependent on Airbnb by getting listed on other channels and building a direct booking website.

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What are Airbnb host fees?

The Airbnb hosts fee is the amount that Airbnb charges hosts when a booking is confirmed. Information technology's automatically taken from the payout you receive from Airbnb after the invitee has checked out. The purpose of Airbnb host fees is to cover the cost of the services that Airbnb provides, for example, 24/7 customer back up.

How much are Airbnb host fees?

Airbnb has two different fee structures that most hosts currently have the pick to choose from (withal, this is changing - we'll go into it later).

The separate fee construction involves both hosts and guests paying a service fee, while the host-only fee construction requires a service fee only from the host.

We wrote a guide on how to make certain your Airbnb is profitable. Everything you need to know from calculating your income to predicting your costs and saving time with automation.

1. Split up-fee structure: host service fee + invitee service fee

This is the fee structure that nigh Airbnb hosts currently apply. It used to be the only option on Airbnb and reflected the business model that Airbnb was originally going for.

If you select this fee structure, both you lot and your guest will be paying a service fee. Airbnb will deduct the host service fee from your payout, and charge the guest service fee to the guest.

  • Host service fee: Most Airbnb hosts pay a 3% service fee. However, this per centum can be higher for Airbnb Plus hosts, hosts with rentals in specific markets similar Italia, and hosts who choose to apply a Super Strict Cancellation Policy. The fee is calculated from the booking subtotal, which includes the nightly rate plus optional actress charges (like the cleaning fee and the additional invitee fee) but excludes Airbnb fees and taxes. For example, if your total monthly revenue is $1,000, you'll pay $30 in Airbnb host fees.

  • Guest service fee: Most guests pay a service fee of under 14.ii%. This too is calculated from the booking subtotal. The amount varies depending on diverse booking factors. Guests can see the guest service fee in the price breakdown on the listing page and during check-out before they brand a reservation.


2. Host-only fee structure

The host-but fee is Airbnb's new simplified pricing structure that the company has been gradually rolling out. Information technology means that Airbnb deducts the unabridged service fee from your payout, and charges no service fee to the invitee. Host-only fees range between fourteen%-16% of the booking subtotal. So, if your total monthly revenue is $ane,000, you lot'll pay between $140-$160 in Airbnb host fees.

Currently, the host-but fee structure is optional for nearly hosts simply mandatory for hotels and software-connected hosts (i.e. hosts using a aqueduct managing director or other software to connect to Airbnb).

Software-continued hosts who have most of their listings in the United States, Canada, the Bahamas, Mexico, Argentina, Taiwan, or Uruguay are currently exempt from this dominion, significant that they still have the option to choose between the split fee structure and the host-but fee structure.

There are a few things yous should know about the host-just fee structure and its potential advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, Airbnb claims that choosing to cover the service fee for the guest helps you get more bookings. This is because guests prefer transparent pricing with no "surprise" charges. So even though you're paying more in service fees, you'll brand up for the loss with the increase in bookings. And if yous'd rather non take a bet, you can always increase your base charge per unit to cover the increased committee.

What's more, if yous switch over to the host-but fee structure, Airbnb will reward yous with a special tag on your list folio to allow guests know that yous're covering the service fee for them.


Secondly, this is the pricing model that other online travel agencies similar and Expedia use. So, choosing the host-only fee structure allows you to have more control over your pricing (the price you ready will be the exact price that guests meet) and display the aforementioned rates for your rental across channels.

This manner, you can make sure that your Airbnb pricing remains competitive at all times. And, your listings volition exist more than bonny to guests who are used to no service fees on platforms like

On the other hand, increasing the service fee from 3% to fourteen%-16% is a dramatic alter. That'due south probably why Airbnb hasn't universally rolled out the host-merely fee structure. Still, it's possible that as Airbnb transitions to a new business model, information technology will brand the host-but fee mandatory for all hosts across the board.

Are there other Airbnb fees hosts need to pay?

The host service fee is the simply fee that Airbnb charges hosts. Note that host service fees are different from the general 3%-v% for Airbnb Luxe properties and Airbnb Experiences (where the host service fee is 20%).

Related mail:How Much Is Vrbo Charging You? Everything you lot need to know virtually Vrbo Owner Fees

Airbnb fees for hosts: how to become less dependent on Airbnb

Every bit y'all can encounter from the above, Airbnb reserves the right to alter its commission fees. Of course, they always warn hosts well before the changes come into outcome. However, significant changes to Airbnb host fees can touch your bottom line. So, it'southward important to prepare for them: whether that means increasing your base charge per unit or diversifying your distribution strategy to include a variety of channels.

Similarly, Airbnb is free to alter its algorithms. Depending on the changes they brand, this can result in your listing dropping downward in Airbnb search results. And, if your properties aren't visible to travelers, you lose bookings. That'southward why it's important to make sure that you're non putting all your eggs in one basket. Having more than a single source of bookings is vital to building a sustainable vacation rental business organisation.

Let's look at iii proven ways to become less dependent on Airbnb and diversify your aqueduct distribution to get more bookings.

i. Get listed on other channels

The easiest manner to avoid becoming also dependent on Airbnb is to go listed on other channels.

In that location are many different booking sites out in that location that tin give you visibility to a large audience of guests. For example, yous could list your properties on Vrbo,, Expedia, Tripadvisor, or Agoda – just to name a few.

However, information technology'south non enough to just create an account on each of these websites and upload your belongings listings. Yous need to make sure that your different accounts and calendars are connected. Otherwise, your availability will be out of sync, and guests searching on i aqueduct volition encounter that your rental is bachelor while it may have already been booked by another invitee on a different channel.

We'll explain how to avoid this in the next step.

2. Use a aqueduct manager to foreclose double bookings

Aqueduct managers are essential tools for any holding manager advertising their listings on multiple websites. They sync your listings, calendars, and availability beyond all the channels you annunciate on so yous tin continue them up-to-date.

Channel managers permit you to:

  • Prevent double bookings: avoid two guests booking your rental for the aforementioned time menstruation on two different booking sites. Sorting out double bookings is expensive and a real hassle to deal with.

  • Save fourth dimension on managing your listings, calendars, and availability.

  • Simplify your guest communication via a unified inbox.

The Host Tools channel manager has directly API connections with Airbnb and Vrbo. This allows you to:

  • Manage your listings on both channels from 1 identify, and

  • Sync your calendars and availability in real time.

This is a much more than secure way of syncing your calendars than exporting your Airbnb calendar and importing information technology to Vrbo, and vice versa.

If you annunciate on more booking sites other than Airbnb and Vrbo, you lot can import your calendars into Host Tools through iCal, and synchronize them too. This style, all your calendars will exist in sync and you won't be at chance of getting double bookings. Whenever you get a booking on one channel or block a date in Host Tools, all your calendars will be updated automatically.

Moreover, Host Tools has a multi-agenda where you lot can see all your bookings from different channels at a glance. And, it has a unified inbox that lets you manage all your guest communication, no matter which booking site your messages come from.

Example of Host Tools unified inbox for short term rental hosts

Example of Host Tools unified inbox for short term rental hosts listing

The Host Tools Airbnb aqueduct manager also allows yous to add your direct booking website's calendar via iCal – which we'll cover adjacent.

3. Build a straight booking website

An of import step in becoming less dependent on platforms similar Airbnb is building your ain website where yous tin can take direct bookings.

The best thing virtually direct bookings is that they're commission-gratis, which ways more coin in your pockets. They also requite y'all more than command over your marketing efforts, since they permit you to collect email addresses and retarget guests to encourage repeat bookings.

Nosotros wrote a full guide on how to get straight bookings and walk yous through the procedure of edifice your vacation rental website. Check them out and become started on diversifying your bookings.

Desire to list on another aqueduct, like Vrbo or Host Tools can unify your calendars and then you'll never get double bookings. Try information technology for free today:


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